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  5. Does Your Religion Shape Your Writing?

Does Your Religion Shape Your Writing?

This is a surprisingly common question for people to ask me, and I’m always happy to answer it because my religion makes up a big part of who I am. Because I am religious myself, I am fascinated by religion. And so I think that the misuse of religion is a great evil, and the use of  religion for good reasons is a great good. In fact, being a religious person, I think that the misuse of religion becomes a much more frightening thing than it might otherwise be, which is why you sometimes see religions as villains in my books. My religion shapes who I am, and it makes me interested in certain things; it makes me fascinated by certain things; it shapes my sense of right and wrong.

But I don’t actually sit down and write books wanting to advocate any particular concept. I feel that when I write books I need to advocate whatever the character believes at the time. Now, what I feel is heroic may shape the characters I create as protagonists, but I don’t think that the purpose of the fiction that I write is to preach directly to the reader. I think that the purpose of the fiction I write is to explore different concepts and different types of characters and see how they react to the world around them. And that’s a very different thing than sitting down and saying I’m going to preach to people. So I don’t think my religion causes me to do that, but I do think it causes me to be interested in these kinds of concepts.

One of my core beliefs religiously is that I honestly don’t mind you believing whatever you want to believe. What I mind is how you treat people who don’t believe as you believe. That’s what will get me going. So I don’t judge someone based on their belief; I do judge them based on how they treat people who believe differently than they do. (That’s a concept, by the way, that you may see pop up in a book later on, because I’m actually quoting one of my characters in this case.)

Most of what people are noticing isn’t so much intentional as inevitable. Just like people see WWII influences in Tolkien (though he denied that there were such parallels) there are going to be LDS parallels in my books.

I don’t seek to expunge them; they are part of who I am. If I’m reaching into mythology and history for my foundations, I’m going to dip into LDS sources more often than others. So, the parallels you are seeing are real things, most likely–though it’s not intentional allegory.


I really love that you honestly look at religious convictions in your books and that you don’t portray such convictions in a shallow way.

Regardless of a person’s beliefs, I think they would have to admit that religion and spirituality has played a large part in our development as a people. It’s a very important thing to so many of us–and I also think that for most of us, our beliefs are nowhere near as simple as they seem when viewed from the outside. I appreciate your praise here, though I think I still have a lot to learn. There’s a real line to walk in expressing a character’s religious views without letting them sound preachy–the goal is to make the character real, but not bore the reader.

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