Will Michael Whelan Do All The Stormlight Covers?

This one I don’t quite know the answer to. The thing is, Whelan is so busy and does so few covers that it’ll come down to whether he has the time and is willing to. We would certainly like him to do more, and I’ve heard news around Tor that they’re optimistic for him doing the rest of the series. But, like I’ve said, I felt like it was incredibly fortunate that we got him to do one or two. You’ll notice that he doesn’t even do whole series for some of his favorite authors anymore. For example, he did the first cover in Tad Williams’s Shadowmarch series, and they had someone else do the other covers. I don’t know the details of that but I suspect it had something to do with the fact that Michael Whelan likes to do his fine art. As a favor to people he’ll do the occasional brilliant, beautiful cover but then he wants to go back and I can’t blame him for that. So we’ll see what happens when the next book is ready for a cover.

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